Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Spicy Sausage and Ricotta Stuffed Bell Peppers

This dish was inspired by a couple different recipes I saw floating around Pinterest. I saw someone did a stuffed shell pasta with ricotta and spinach, which sounded amazing, but then I thought...what about stuffing a pepper? I absolutely love stuffing peppers, because they have way fewer calories than pasta, and it's an extra vegetable! I also just love how a whole meal can fit into one little food bowl. This spicy little stuffed pepper will leave you wanting more!

YIELDS: 4-6 servings / PREP TIME: 15 minutes / COOK TIME: 20 minutes

Equipment needed:

  • Mixing bowl 2 Q or larger 
  • Slotted spoon
  • Medium skillet
  • Medium baking sheet


For the pepper stuffing:

  • 3    green bell peppers, halved and "gutted" 
  • 1    lb hot ground sausage (Anything labeled 'hot' or 'spicy' that's not in a casing will work)
  • 2    C ricotta cheese
  • 2    packed cups of baby spinach
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin

For the sauce:

  • 14  oz tomato sauce (crushed tomatoes)
  • 1/2 onion, finely diced
  • 1    tsp salt
  • 2    tsp ground cumin
  • 2    tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp - 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (adjust the heat as you like) 
  • Crumbled feta cheese (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and coat a baking sheet with some non-stick spray (I like to use olive oil spray).
  2. Cook the sausage in a skillet, making sure to break up all the larger chunks, then remove from the heat. Using the slotted spatula, transfer the sausage into a mixing bowl. Be sure to leave the leftover oil in the skillet, as we will use that later.
  3. Add the ricotta cheese, spinach and spices to your sausage. Mix well, then transfer into your pepper halves, keeping the filling is as level as possible. 
  4. Pop those peppers on a tray and put them in the oven. While your peppers are cooking, its time to make your sauce.
  5. Return the skillet with the leftover sausage oil back to medium-high heat. Add your diced onions to the oil and let cook for a few minutes, until the become slightly translucent.
  6. Add all the spices to the onions, mix thoroughly, then add the tomato sauce. Heat until the sauce begins to simmer. Reduce heat to low, stirring occasionally until your peppers are finished.
  7. The peppers are done when they are slightly soft, and the edges begin to brown. I like a bit of crunch left in my pepper because it adds a nice, contrasting texture to the soft, creamy filling.
  8. Add a bit of the marinara sauce to the top of your pepper, and serve with crumbled feta, if desired.

Serving Suggestions:

Because half a stuffed pepper may not be enough food for some appetites, I've made a quick list of how to make this meal a bit heartier.
  • Simply serve two halves per person
  • Cook your favorite pasta, and toss in the marinara. You may want to double the sauce recipe so you have enough to go on the pasta and the pepper.
  • Replace 1 cup of ricotta with an extra 1/2 pound of ground sausage.

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